Sunday, April 14, 2013

Zombies in the Workplace

Zombies have become so popular in the past few years that we have put them in every role possible. Rewrites of classic books, modern television series, and historical figures from our past have been sucked into this zombie mania.  The zombie story lines vary from tale to tale but they all have one consistent theme that rings true and that is they are inevitable.  Most zombies are slow but they keep coming.

In one particular television series a well-meaning medical professional thinks he can cure the zombies. This overambitious man thinks he can fix the zombies because he knew them as good people before the problems came about.  Because he knew them so well and had cared for each of them it was his obligation to restore them. His thinking is he could reestablish them to their former state. In the end he winds up robbing resources and putting the rest of the population in danger by continuing to feed the zombies.

In our work environments we come across zombies every day. Zombies are the ones that kill productivity through social loafing, lack of focus, trouble making, and energy sucking.  Over and over you will find them in the center of each issue. They are the ones that derail plans that were not their idea. Zombies are on the prowl to destroy everything in their path.  Zombies do not comprehend group success. You can spend hours investing in their outcomes. In the end they remain the same but the group as a whole becomes infected with their virus.

I found a strange correlation between dealing with zombies and our management practices.  Many of us have been given a task of “fixing” a co-worker because of a past relationship or connection.  Some of us get the job just because we have a track record of being good at “motivating people” to achieve goals.  Both of these situations can have transformational outcomes and produce motivational conclusions that will speak to others for years to come.  This victorious outcome is what we all hope for but it is not what we always get! 

There is one element that we must not overlook and that is what drives those we are investing in. Who is motivated?  If you find yourself in a situation where it is clear that you are the one who cares the most you are probably being overtaken by zombies.  Zombies only care about themselves. Zombies will consume you and not give it a single thought.  Zombies are looking for their next victim. The bottom line is that you can’t fix zombies because they do not want to be fixed!

True leaders know if they are dealing with sincere hard working people or are being overtaken by the zombies.